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IPK Class


IPK-Class Supply Wish List:


Large Backpack (since blanket and pillow go home on Fridays)

2 Nap mats to last throught the year 1” (nothing bigger due to limited cubby storage space)

Blanket (must fit in a gallon sized Ziploc bag)

Small travel pillow and pillowcase (optional, but keep small due to limited cubby space)

Extra changing clothes in a Ziploc bag and labeled (in case of accidents)

Diapers or pullups (if needed/as needed)

2 plastic folders with pockets and prongs

2 see through pencil pouches with 3 holes (one for seat sack and one for folder)

1 box of large crayons

1 pair of scissors

1 package of large pencils

Glue sticks

Disinfectant wipes

Baby wipes


Hand sanitizer

Ziploc bags (gallon size)

1 ream of copy paper

1 package of paper plates

1 roll of paper towels

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the IPK teacher at 863-612-0750. Thank you!


Naptime Essentials:

Every day our PreK kiddos will nap in class. We would like for them to be as comfortable as possible so we have included a list of recommendations to send with your child on their first day of school. We will send your child’s blanket and pillow home on the last day of the school week. Please wash and return these items when school resumes the following week. Thank you!

2 Nap mats 1” (to last through the year, nothing bigger due to storage space)

Blanket (must fit in a gallon sized Ziploc bag)

Small travel pillow and pillowcase (optional, but keep small due to limited cubby space)



In PreK, we provide daily snacks. We would appreciate your help by sending in a bulk snack item on a weekly basis, preferably every Monday to start the new week. Some suggested snacks include:

 Goldfish crackers

 Cheese It crackers

 Bag of pretzels

 Package of cookies

 Box of graham crackers

 Animal crackers

 Chewy granola bars

 Box of cereals

 Alternative healthy snack ideas:

 Unsweetened applesauce with plastic spoons


 Peanut butter

 Fruit cups with plastic spoons

 Bagged Popcorn (already popped)